What a Whirlwind!

Whoooo-weeee it's been a whirlwind the past couple of weeks but we are back and better than ever! Here's what we have been up to. 

We moved our entire Online Store and Marketing operations from downtown Seattle to Federal Way, It took two days of moving but by the third day, we were back up and running and filling orders. Needless to say, there are still a lot of boxes to unpack but we are officially in our new office.

 Around the same time that we were moving, we were also the busiest of bees shipping out our Pre-Sale Ice Blue 2.0 Tees. Y'all really showed up for Dick's Drive-In and Seattle Hockey. It was our biggest pre-sale in company history with over 2,700 shirts shipped out! We kept rolling with new items with the launch of and restocking of five iconic items in our Sasquatch. Those orders alone have kept me hopping for days!

When we moved our small but mighty team of two became a small but mighty team of...me. My trusty store assistant sidekick was not able to make the move with us down south so we put out the call for a new hire. We've been running interviews and I am happy to say we have hired a new assistant who started this week. I'll make sure to introduce you all to her in the near future. 

If all of that wasn't enough, we have been in full-on planning mode for our biggest event of the year, the grand opening of our Federal Way restaurant! In case you missed the big announcement we will be opening on July 27th with festivities running through July 29th. We have been working on special designs and merchandise specifically for the celebration and then getting them into production. Now we are eagerly awaiting their arrival and the end of July.

Thanks so much for sticking around during my slight hiatus. I'm so excited to be back sharing all the goodies from our Online Store team. The next month is going to be full of so much fun, so stay tuned! 

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